Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 "New Beginnings"

Here we are in the New Year of 2011.  Life has been a world wind, running around in the busy of life.  Raising kids, keeping them on the right path, directing their paths, capturing the joys they bring.  The days are flying by I think faster than the speed of light.

I am on the down hill slide of letting go of yet another child and letting them venture out into the world of the unknown.  In May my second daughter, Kelsi, will Graduate from High School and my heart is breaking that my nest is growing empty.  My daughter of almost 18 years on the 23rd of this month will soon graduate and I am already shedding tears of joy and sadness that this chapter in my life is closing and yet opening to new adventures with her. The days are being numbered and leave little room to set and relish in these last days with her at home.  We are scurrying around to Basketball games, Project Graduation meetings, fundraisers, filling out FAFSA forms and submitting School applications.  There is little time to even sleep.  LOL  The drama of High School,  Kelsi is quick to say she wants to leave behind.  I have to agree with her.  I was never one for the drama that high school seemed to always hold.

The friendship I hold with my oldest daughter of 25 years, it is so sweet and precious and she has been gone from the nest now for almost 8 years.  She is a graduate of WTAMU and married to a treasure of a Man, Nathan, a joyful son Tony & I have gained.  Nathan and Candi now live in Arkansas and have found their little nest to build and are so blessed to have family in the area to love them and direct them. I am at peace knowing they have found their church home and have family to hold them when times are tough and in times of joy.  I am so busy still raising these kiddos at home, I sometimes feel guilty for not being their more for them.  It gives me much peace knowing family is close by when I can't be.

My youngest of almost 15 years, on the10th of this month, he is my baby and yet my mirror as to which I am learning what it is like to "Pay for your Raisin'"  Boys are so much different than girls, they fear less, take more risks, just overall are so much different to raise.  He is the baby, and will be at home all alone for his last few years of school.   I just pray I can raise him to be a Great Man someday.  One of honor, respect, Godly influence, compassion, honesty, the list goes on.  I can only pray and hope that there will come a day when his big arms will circle around me and hold me instead of despise me. More to come on that story in the days, months and years ahead.

Scrap booking, well there has not been much of that on my calendar.  I wish there was because I want to capture the moments of joy with my family and friends.  Time is a huge factor in accomplishing that and space.  Seems there is not much of either on my calendar.  My next project I think will be to work on something Kelsi has requested.  She would like to give her friends a sentiment album of their years growing up. I think the plan will be to work with pages a little bigger than 6 x 6 so they can be bound together with clear covers.  More to come on the dimensions and design I hope in the near future.

To all I wish you a Happy New Year and one of these days maybe, just maybe, I will be able to share with you a little of my passion in scrap booking or cardmaking.  See ya in 2011!!!!!

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